Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Eating (or not) out of Both Sides of My Mouth

ME: "K and B go to the story and get me some ruby red grape fruit juice." Awwwwww man I want something sweet, but I won't, yeah, no yeah, no. Sigh."
K and B: Well, do you want me get you cookies, a Hershey's bar, a Tastycake."
ME: "NO!!!!, I'm trying NOT to eat those things, GOSH!"
K and B: "Ok, dang. I just figured you would want a cake like last night."
ME: walking away looking stupid...

An open letter

Dear Clients,

Over the last couple of months, years for some of you, we have become quite familiar with each other. I know not to come when your favorite "story" is on, you know that I'm probably going to be twenty minutes late; we know each other, we're cool. But I'm starting to think that you're taking advantage of our relationship. Even though we're "cool," we're not cool enough for you to open the door with just your draws on. Your shit stained draws at that. I've seen nipples, tips of dicks, a ball, top of titties stretch marks, and more asses with cellulite than I imagined that I would see when I signed up for this job. If I ring the door bell, I'm ok with waiting for as long as it takes for you to put some clothes on. I'm a social worker, not a doctor, so please, please, come dressed when I come to the door.

Thanks for your cooperation,


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just a few notes from record review

Mother brought child C to ...University Hospital ER alleging that the child had been sexually assaulted. A CPS report was received alleging that child C was sexually and physically abused by PAU (paternal aunt,) and PAU husband. The report was substantiated. Child's hair has been cut short, like a young male child, and has scabs around her mouth. There are dark skid marks on her stomach and thigh area, along with open sores on her legs.

After examination at ....University Hospital, the attending physician determined that the child may have genital herpes. Due to mother having outstanding bench warrants, mother was arrested at emergency court hearing. Immediate medical follow up to take place in the foster home. Mother has a record of prostitution, drug possession, and intent to distribute. Mother, 24, has three children, Child A adopted, Child B with relatives out of state. Mother gave birth to child A at twelve years of age. MAU held child down while her husband assaulted her. Child stated that MAU cut her hair cause she was "bad."

This is the social summary that I read during foster care's quarterly record review. Record review always sucks because I have to pour over files to make sure that the material that should be in the record is there. I usually just fly through the file, but I read this record because how this child came into foster care is so tragic. I first met her in 2006 when I was having a Christmas/Birthday party for a client of mine (his foster parent, now his adoptive parent, does not celebrate holidays.) She was at the crisis nursery, scared and torn away from her family. The thing that most adults don't understand that for most kids, it does not matter what type of abuse they suffered at the hands (or foot, or penis, or legs,) of their caregivers, they still love them and long for them. She came to my little corny party, malnourished with scales in her scalp and peach fuzz on her head. After eating pizza and playing with some toys, she begin to warm to me and let me play with her. By time the party was over, she was playing and laughing like that other kids, all of which had been abandoned by their parents someway. As a sat there looking at them, I thought about how resilient and courageous they were. My mother did not leave me in a crack house as an infant, my mother was not in jail, and I am not a three year with freakin herpes who contracted it from my mother's john! These are these children's stories...all under the age of five! I always think that having a party or buying candy for these kids is a cure all, or it will make their lives easier in someway. I'm just trying to ease the pain a little. Even if it's with a bag of skittles.