Thursday, March 06, 2008

I post in my head people, I post in my head

A friend asked me sometime ago why I don't post more. It's a combination of laziness and posting in my head. Today I wrote a little ditty (in my head of course) about the idiot girl that waited right until the bus pulled to get her transpass out, therefore holding up the line. I guess talking on the phone distracted her. I also spend a lot of time reading other people's blogs. Life in an European country is so much more interesting than being a social worker. Who wants to read my stories about a little white girl living with a black foster family (yeah, she can dance too!) Or my stories about a client telling me that the crystal meth that showed up in system was actually Benadryl. (For the record, I just shook my head and said ok, you ever tried reasoning with a meth user?) Or about... Anyway, I am resolving to write more here. I don't even need to create characters, I work with them everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was D wasn't it? Because I'm always like is K gonna update her blog anymore? Glad to have you back.